Board Assessment Quiz

Assess the current status of your Board of Directors.

Board assessment is a best practice of successful nonprofit Boards of Directors. Assessing the status of your board will help you determine the strategies you need to create increased engagement by members. Use this quiz to determine how your board is doing and next steps for increasing productivity. 

Why is this important? Together Board members and Executive Directors should evaluate their performance as a group and as individuals no less than every three years and should have clear exit strategies for removing board members who are unable to fulfill their responsibilities. If Board engagement or attendance is fading, or if the Board has become distracted from their basic roles and responsibilities then definitely do an assessment sooner.

Who is this quiz for? Take this quiz if you are an executive director or board president looking to create better practices in your board and increase engagement. 

An advanced version of this quiz is available in our Board Development toolkit and through our consulting services to help to establish priority areas for future work. 

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