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Our Spring 2023 Incubator Seed Grant Winner: The Color of Excellence®️

For our next Incubator Program highlight, we’re shining a spotlight on Brittany Gail Thomas, Founder & CEO of The Color of Excellence®️! The Color of Excellence (COE®️) is a nonprofit membership organization that provides curated training and programming for both current and future attorneys of color to combat systematic oppression. COE®️ educates, enhances, and empowers both current and future attorneys of color to embrace their authenticity, advocate zealously, and overcome adversity both in and out of the courtroom. As the grant recipient from Mockingbird’s Incubator Program, we’re thrilled to share resources and further empower COE®️ to pursue their mission with success. Read below for the interview! 

Mockingbird: Tell me a little bit about yourself!

Brittany Gail Thomas: My name is Brittany Gail Thomas. People affectionately call me “BGT”, and I am an assistant federal public defender. I worked as a state public defender for a number of years. I also worked a few years as a law school program administrator and adjunct professor. 

COE®️ is my baby. It’s a nonprofit membership organization focused on enhancing skill sets and empowering people – marginalized and minoritized members of the legal community – to advocate both  inside and outside of the courtroom. Organizations that provide support like this are so few and far between, and COE®️ has really become a community, and I am so proud of it.

Founder & CEO, Brittany Gail Thomas, Esq.

Mockingbird: How did you get started in nonprofit work?

BGT: Well, I had this idea. COE®️ came to me in a vision as a young, female, and Black lawyer trying to find ways to navigate her career. I wanted to provide the support that I was missing as a law student and needed as I was developing in my career. The type of invaluable impact that could change lives. I thought, “One day, I’ll get more experience and training and I’ll create it.” But after experiencing an unhealthy work environment, I needed something to believe in. So I started to put COE®️ into action. 

I knew I didn’t want it to be a money-making thing, but I did know that I wanted to do something for my community. Admittedly, I had no idea what I was doing!

Mockingbird: So how does Color of Excellence work?

BGT: It’s a membership organization. You have to apply and interview so we can get to know you. Because it’s a safe and brave space, we want to make sure that we have the right people there. Like everything, there’s some trial and error. But we know what we need and who we serve. We curate programming events that cater to what our membership needs and what’s happening in the world.

Whether you’re Black, Latino/a/x, AANHPI, SWANA, everyone has different struggles. Among some of our programming are advocacy skills, how to handle a jury, and enhancing abilities to work in different spaces as an attorney of color. We have an annual Career Consortium where we talk about staying where we are, but also how to grow in our career and negotiate our salaries. We just held a women’s history networking event. So really, our programming  runs the gamut. While we focus on everything, we make sure we talk about the impact of race and how, as people of color, do we thrive – not just survive. These programming events happen all year long, usually about once or twice a month.

Mockingbird: What are some of the challenges COE has faced?

BGT: The first challenge is that we’re a baby nonprofit! We’ve only been around for three years, so we’re new to trying to figure it out. From the best systems to member logistics, it’s a process.

Another challenge is getting people to understand and support the mission itself. Some people just don’t see the value. But I’ve come to accept that not everyone is going to get it. And we don’t want everyone to be a part of it!  We are looking for members who get the vision, desire this type of community, and want to be their authentic selves within this community.  We are all about authenticity. 

And another challenge is our budget – finances are difficult! But we received our very first grant from Mockingbird, which is super exciting! So yeah, now that we’re at the three-year mark, I’d say those are our three main challenges. But this is also just an example of how it’s going to get better and better, and needs will be met, especially when members tell me how much this has changed their lives. 

Mockingbird: Perfect segue – how did you find and decide to join the Mockingbird Incubator?

BGT: I’m really active on social media, and get to see and find a lot of things. Mockingbird found me! I’ve always been into learning new things, and since I never had nonprofit experience, when I saw what Mockingbird was posting and saw the Incubator Program, I applied and got in, and had the opportunity to attend. 

Mockingbird: And how has the Mockingbird Incubator been helpful for you?

BGT: They’ve been great! I didn't know what I was doing, but I knew you needed certain things. I needed training with intentionality, and in how things are supposed to work, which is invaluable. I believe in being a life learner – if you teach me something, I’ll use it to make COE®️ better!

The information provided from Mockingbird was organized and made sense, and their powerpoints were broken down in a way where you could take the pieces you need and come back to it. For me, now I’m able to take us in the right direction of legality, where our systems are appropriate, effective, and long lasting.  The Mockingbird Incubator also provided resources, like a Board of Directors training, which I was most interested in receiving. Strengthening COE®️’s Board of Directors is a priority for me. You can come to the Mockingbird Incubator for something particular, and learn so much more.

Mockingbird: What are your favorite nonprofit resources?

BGT: Then, it was Google. Now, I have Mockingbird Incubator! Having the opportunities to have little one-on-one sessions and further engage with other nonprofit attendees is invaluable. Mockingbird Incubator’s social media is also a great resource. There are things that I would like to see on social media to keep me abreast, and I like that Mockingbird is unafraid to share and keep us informed. 

Mockingbird: Any parting pieces of advice or little gems you’d like to give nonprofit readers?

BGT: Don’t limit yourself by limiting yourself! You don’t know how you’ll enhance your organization. When it comes to race and equity issues, that type of intentionality is crucial, and the fact that you have the Mockingbird Incubator as a resource is huge. You can schedule appointments, and if you can afford it you can work with Mockingbird more extensively. They really work for and with you – you can go back to more workshops and trainings, they want to stay in touch with you.  They even follow you on social media. Mockingbird builds intentional relationships just like COE®.

Mockingbird: That’s so good to hear. Thank you for sharing! And thanks for being here with us today.

BGT: Thank you for having me!

The Mockingbird Analytics Incubator is here to empower nonprofits to succeed with their mission. Are you interested in joining the Incubator? Take our quiz here!